Ph.D. candidates

Hamed Jafarpour

Hamed Jafarpour received his B.Sc. degree in Computer Software engineering, and his M.Sc. degree in Information Technology Engineering from the Computer Engineering and Information Technology department of the Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. Currently, he is a Ph.D. student and doing his research under the supervision of Prof. Yong Zeng at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. His fields of interest are Natural Language Processing, BioNLP, Data Science, and Machine Learning.

Rupinder Kaur

Rupinder Kaur completed her MAsc from Concordia University in Quality Systems Engineering. She is pursuing Ph.D. with Dr. Yong Zeng and Dr. Anjali Awasthi in Information and Systems Engineering. She is a recipient of the Concordia University Graduate Doctoral Fellowship award. Furthermore, she joined Design Lab in September 2022. Her main research interest areas are graph optimization, team building in a virtual collaborative environment, and supply chain design.  

Rukiye Kirgil

Rukiye Kirgil Budakli is a Ph.D. student at the Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering. She works on the productivity of Human-Machine collaboration. Rukiye develops a communication model for smart human-machine systems, facilitating collaboration and cooperation among the system members

Ali Mohammadi

Ali Mohammadi is pursuing his Ph.D. in Information and Systems Engineering. He is the recipient of a Concordia Excellence Award and a doctoral research scholarship. He was born in Iran and completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, in Iran. Systematic innovation concepts and creative design methodologies are his interests. He joined Design Lab in the fall of 2021. He is investigating design thinking and conceptual product design. 

Supply chain design

Supply chain design

Hamed A. Shirazi

Hamed A. Shirazi is studying Ph.D. in Information and System Engineering. He has completed Master’s in Quality System Engineering from Concordia University. In addition, he has a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering and an MBA. He also has valuable professional experience. He is a part of the Design Lab family and participates in significant research in Design Science. His area of interest is Human-Centered Design, behavior change by design and sustainability. He is also investigating the usability of design methodologies and is a part of a team who is developing EBD.

Morteza Zangeneh Soroush

Morteza Zangeneh Soroush is currently doing Ph.D. from Concordia University. He has been working in the field of Biomedical Engineering, Machine Learning, Cognitive, Computational and Clinical Neuroscience for over 15 years. His Ph.D. thesis includes utilizing neuroscientific and machine learning methods to explore brain dynamics in design and creativity experiments. 

Chung su
Chang Su

Chang Su is a Ph.D. student at the Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering. She has completed a Master’s in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Concordia University. Chang works on quantifying stress using biometrics such as electroencephalogram and electrocardiogram signals. She also focuses on computer graphics. She investigates gaze tracking by constructing a 3D model from 2D images. 

Basak Tozlu

Basak Tozlu is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering Department at Concordia University. Her research interests are two-sided matching, multi-criteria decision-making, and engineering team design. She works on developing a perishable capacity management approach for human resources in two-sided matching markets. She also uses engineering design methods to generate unbiased criteria in multi-criteria decision-making problems. Her work addresses the engineering team design problem from different angles.

Jinli Yao

Jinli Yao is currently a Ph.D student in information and systems engineering. She has published ten papers on fuzzy systems and multi-attribute decision-making ( She is working on clustering algorithms, and her general research interest is AI and neuroscience. Furthermore, she is the recipient of the 2019 IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Graduate Student Research Grant and the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science Graduate Scholarship

Wenhang Du

Wenhang Du is working on the ‘Al+ Waste to Resource Management toward Sustainable City’ project. This project takes an innovative governance perspective that aims to tackle the challenge via an artificial intelligence (Al)+ platform for waste-to-resources (W2R) management.  Instead of being a passive recipient of big data, the project also seeks to proactively identify the sufficient and necessary data for waste management and policymaking. He is currently doing research on the policy and EBD methodology.Â